Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Kari: Kerchief and mini-purse projects

Jaimey is modeling her new kerchief. It turned out a bit big for her small head but would be just fine for an older teen or adult. I'm still using scrap yarns for these first few projects so I used pink nylon (doubled) for the body and wide stripe and a verigated cotton of red/pink/white for the thin stripes. The stripes are not very distinct because of the verigated yarn. Next time, I'll use a solid colored yarn or use verigated yarn for the entire project.

This mini purse whipped up quickly. I think I'll be making more of these. I "finger crocheted" the strap.


Blogger Fran said...

Wow Kari! You're a machine! I love the little purse!

Thu Mar 23, 08:18:00 PM 2006  

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